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Pod #17 Thomas Braziel's Net Worth YOLO into Mt. Gox $BTC bankruptcy Claims
A throw back to the end of last year when Wasabi and Hal sit down with Thomas Braziel to discuss distressed asset investing.
What Drives Wealth Inequality? with Lyn Alden
“And you can even consider Bitcoin as a type of populism, but I would just describe it as one of the better types of populism; basically, it’s people rallying behind a new network effect technology, and saying that this is the solution.”— Lyn Alden
The Chopping Block: Why Hacking The DAO Is ‘Something to Be Proud Of’?
“Welcome to The Chopping Block! Crypto insiders Haseeb Qureshi, Tom Schmidt, and Tarun Chitra chop it up about the latest news in the digital asset industry.”
Check out the Foot Guns’ NFT collection. Any sales go towards shoes for the interns.